My excitement at hearing Paul Smith speak has been brewing now for days. In my haste I misread the invitation and arrived an hour early. This only hightened my excitement as to what knowledge and insight the 'true man of brand' was about to impart.
Sitting in the corporate surroundings of the RBS press room I and 100 or so creative entrepreneurs are welcomed by Paul hopping from leg to leg over flowing with creativity and energy.
Where I work
We begin seeing images of his office 'where I work' a huge loft style building with bookselves reaching to the top roof apex filled with huge hardbacks ( he owes 10,000 books) Children's toys (they are the hardest to please) Piles of presents from Japanese fans all beautifully wrapped in fabric. He takes inspiration from the contrasting prints. This room at Smithy HQ is rather like that of James Bonds Q.
So to advice he quotes Edward de Bono 'The job changes you' and Balance. Balance is hugely important to Smith he stands side on one hand held above his head the other below his back. The higher hand is the fun stuff. The red suits worn by Tinie Tempah and the other the bread and butter navy and black worn buy almost everyone in advertising from the 80's to today.
Quality is a passion and detail a key differentiator ' looking and seeing 'something taught to him by his beloved wife Pauline. A few more snippets 'You can't do with out doing' nods from the entrepreneur 's and 'Do what is right not what is easy' less enthused nods but nods the same.
We see some of his photos. A beach hut but in Paul's eye a jumper. A picture taken at speed from a taxi is now a jacket lining. Photography is something Paul is good at and like Lagerfeld he takes all campagain shoots himself sighting the great Alexey Brodovitch as an example to follow.
Images of shops from city's around the world appear - 'Think global act local' Westborne Groves white mansion to the pink space ship that his the LA store.
I am caught up in the fun had by the Smithys. We file out to 'network' whispering he's amazing to one another.
Look See .....